Golf Wardrobe, Tried and Tested: My Review – 32 Degrees Skort at Costco [2023]

Golf Wardrobe, Tried and Tested: My Review – 32 Degrees Skort at Costco [2023]

Last year, the 32 Degrees Ladies’ Skort was a big topic in the Facebook group, and I had to check it out – $14.99 for a well-reviewed skort??
I didn’t really know what to expect, but I didn’t expect to love the skorts as much as I do. They come in an extended size range (up to 3x), have two (actually usable) pockets, and have built-in shorts. I have worn these at least ten times in the past year – they are the first skorts I reach for when I’m choosing an outfit for golf, due to both the comfort and cuteness factors.

Getting Set for Golf: Choosing the best golf clubs for beginners

Getting Set for Golf: Choosing the best golf clubs for beginners

It can be intimidating to choose the right equipment as a beginner golfer. What are the best women’s golf clubs for beginners? Where do you even start? There are golf sets, individual clubs, different lengths and flex levels, and you can quickly spend a fortune and a lot of time trying to figure out what’s best for you.
You’ve got a lot of choices when it comes to selecting clubs that are just right for you and that fit your budget. Read on for my advice and strategies for the best golf clubs for beginners.