How to Save Money While Learning to Golf

How to Save Money While Learning to Golf

I remember when I was still thinking about learning to golf, I thought it could be a lot of fun, but that I probably couldn’t afford it. Golf always seemed to me like something for people with more money to spend. On top of that, how would I know I’d even like it? I didn’t want to spend a lot of money to find out it wasn’t for me.
Over time, I figured out a number of ways to save money and learn the game. And while these strategies helped as I began golfing, they’ll pay off in the long term too – golf can be very expensive. Even now, I know I love to golf, but I’d still like to save where I can – stretching my golf dollars and letting me use those savings on things that are important to me, like lessons and trips to new courses.

Getting Started on the Golf Course: Key Parts of a Hole

Getting Started on the Golf Course: Key Parts of a Hole

As you begin to learn about golf, heading out to a golf course may seem intimidating. It doesn’t have to be. Sure, you’ll want to start at a driving range, or with lessons to get your bearings. But getting familiar with the basic features of a golf course will only help your game. Having a good working knowledge of the basic elements of a course will help you to understand why working on key parts of your game will pay off.

4 Reasons Why Golf is Good for your Mental Health

4 Reasons Why Golf is Good for your Mental Health

Golfers choose to play for all different reasons – when I started to learn, I was looking forward to being outside more and getting some exercise while learning something new. What surprised me is how much I started to look forward to getting out on the course, and the benefits I noticed in my mood and stress levels.

Turns out that studies show golf is good for your mental health – both in ways you might expect and some that might surprise you.

Best Women’s Golf Shoes: Top 5 Brands for Beginner Women Golfers to Consider

Best Women’s Golf Shoes: Top 5 Brands for Beginner Women Golfers to Consider

What are the best ladies’ golf shows for beginners? I started golfing in workout clothes and my favorite Nike sneakers. But after showing up for ladies’ clinic at my local course for a couple of months, I knew I’d want to be out on the course, and I wanted to have a pair of golf shoes. I wanted to make sure they’d be comfortable – For a round of 18 holes, you’re out on the course between 3 and 4 hours, and you don’t want to find out mid-round that they don’t fit.

Short Par 4 Women’s Golf Attire Subscription Review: My Unbiased Opinion as a Beginner Golfer

Short Par 4 Women’s Golf Attire Subscription Review: My Unbiased Opinion as a Beginner Golfer

Short Par 4 offers subscriptions for men and women. For women, there’s one choice – the Magnolia membership. Customers fill out a short questionnaire outlining their preferences for style, sizing and additional information on golf experience.

When I filled out the questionnaire for the first time, I was a little confused on how to answer, as I was a beginner golfer with little experience. I chose the “traditional” style, entered my sizes, and guessed at the “additional information” questions that I didn’t have a strong preference for – things like putter preference, wedge preference and ball preference are all works in progress!

Golf Tips for Women Beginners: #1 – Just Get Started

Golf Tips for Women Beginners: #1 – Just Get Started

What’s the most important thing you can do if you want to learn to play golf? Show up. Commit. Learning any new sport can be at times overwhelming and frustrating. If you can decide to set aside time to learn to golf regularly, you’ll see yourself get more comfortable and increase your skill over time. You don’t need to drop everything and devote hours each day. Many golfers start with a weekly clinic or lesson – even getting out to the driving range periodically will start to add up. As you gain more experience, and if you want to grow your game, the most important thing you can do is commit and follow through on your new hobby – it will pay off over time!

Getting Set for Golf: Choosing the best golf clubs for beginners

Getting Set for Golf: Choosing the best golf clubs for beginners

It can be intimidating to choose the right equipment as a beginner golfer. What are the best women’s golf clubs for beginners? Where do you even start? There are golf sets, individual clubs, different lengths and flex levels, and you can quickly spend a fortune and a lot of time trying to figure out what’s best for you.
You’ve got a lot of choices when it comes to selecting clubs that are just right for you and that fit your budget. Read on for my advice and strategies for the best golf clubs for beginners.

What to Wear as a Beginner on the Course: Finding Women’s Golf Attire on a Budget

What to Wear as a Beginner on the Course: Finding Women’s Golf Attire on a Budget

When you’re learning to golf, in addition to everything else, one key question that comes up is – what should I wear? Women’s golf attire can be hard to navigate – different courses have different requirements, some items can be very expensive, and if you haven’t golfed before, it’s hard to know what you’ll feel most comfortable in.
You really only need one or two outfits to get started. Make sure that you’re going to stick with golf before making a more significant investment. You may be tempted to buy clothing from the pro shop, but you’ll spend way more there. Wait until you know for sure you’ll get good use out of them. The selection at stores like Amazon, Target and Costco is stylish and affordable, and a great start for your wardrobe.